How Long Does Circumcision Pain Last?

Sydney circumcision Penis swelling and reddening is normal. Additionally, there may be yellow discharge or coating present at the head of the penis.

Maintain a clean environment around the site of circumcision by using antibiotic ointment multiple times daily to wash it, and change dressings after each urination.


Swelling around the penis is normal and usually disappears quickly, especially around its Circumcision Melbourne line and head of the penis ridge. Washing and applying petroleum jelly are okay during this process. Also try changing bandages with each diaper change as this will prevent blood from sticking to them and will help stop sticking between diapers and bandage.

Your child’s doctor will use a device to pull the foreskin over the penis head and clamps to cut off blood flow to unwanted skin, then proceed to remove it using a scalpel.


Your son should expect some discomfort while the area heals, with urine pain eventually subsiding after three or four days. His penis may initially look slightly swollen and red or may have yellow crust on it at first. This should resolve itself soon enough.

Newborn circumcisions typically take place in a hospital setting while the baby remains awake and alert; they may need to be restrained so they do not move during the procedure. After cleaning their penis and applying an anesthetic cream or injection to numb it, doctors then remove their foreskin by tying off with ribbon.

After circumcision, it’s important to keep the site dry by using a sterile ointment or petroleum jelly; apply this each time you change their diaper for at least the first two days afterward.


Babies usually don’t feel any discomfort during circumcision because anesthetics (either topical cream or injectable one) will be administered to numb the penis before and during surgery, with additional painkilling medications administered postoperatively for any post-surgery discomfort relief.

Normal bleeding at wound sites is perfectly acceptable, and one way to help minimize it is by applying a layer of petroleum jelly over the area – this will stop diapers rubbing against it and causing discomfort.

Plastic rings placed at the head of the penis often bleed for 7-14 days (average 10). This may be caused by diaper rub or friction against it and should stop once soft.


Doctors typically employ one of three techniques for foreskin removal: clamp, plastic ring or dorsal slit. Clamp or ring methods cut off blood supply to the foreskin causing it to die off, leading to yellow-white film formation on the head of the penis which typically dissipates within a week.

Bruising around the base of the penis and in the scrotum is common and usually goes away within two weeks.

As part of circumcision, anesthesia can leave you awake or drowsy depending on its type. Following surgery, rest and drink fluids before engaging in heavy physical activity until instructed otherwise by your physician. If taking painkillers such as aspirin-based medicines (like Advil), follow all instructions closely as this could increase bleeding from surgery.


At circumcision, doctors use a bell-shaped cover and clamp to gently lift away foreskin from the penis using an absorbable thread which will gradually dissolve away over time. Any remaining foreskin may also be removed with a scalpel before closing off any open wounds with absorbable stitches that will heal over time.

Small amounts of bleeding during the first couple days is completely normal. Please contact us if large clots appear in his diaper or underwear.

Normal circumcision results in wounds that appear crusty and exude clear/straw-colored drainage, but for added peace of mind apply antibiotic ointment several times daily – infants in diapers should put some on during each diaper change until this film fades away – to keep their areas clean. Bathe your son after three days; don’t soak his penis underwater though as usually within seven to 14 days the plastic ring used during circumcision will fall off on its own.